Stampede opens Aurorafest

The Xtreme Runners, even though sparse in numbers, hit the pavement strong as they performed well at the 2.5 mile sprint (69 participants) through the quaint village of Aurora.  Large thanks to the cooler weather this year as the top times went down. Thanks for all the local support as we had over 140 participants … Continue reading

Xtreme Ithacans Win Valley Cottage Sprint Titles

What a great way to spend your 4th of July, as dedicated City Health Club bootcampers Mike Trevino and Lisa Schupak of Ithaca, took the Men’s and Women’s Divisions at the Florence Court Annual 1.3 Mile Sprint. They made the trip down to Valley Cottage, New York in Rockland County, and made a powerful statement … Continue reading

Xtreme Railroad Tie Flipping

On Monday June 30th, Paul Turo, Moravia, edged Carolyn Ferguson, Lansing, in the finals, during our first friendly railroad tie flipping competition with a stunning time of 2:15 at the Moravia Firehouse.  Thanks to our bootcampers for trying out our new event, as they would then immediately head off to the three-minute 50 meter boulder (medicine … Continue reading